Project: Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens

Ok, I admit it, I’m addicted to the tv show Supernatural. It’s my guilty pleasure (ok, maybe I don’t feel too guilty about it). So, when I started thinking about an inspiration for my October mittens I figured what could be more perfect than a show about demons, monsters and angels.

These mittens are designed to protect your hands from the cold and your body from demonic possession.
Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens
One of the running jokes in the SPN fandom is about how often the Winchesters wear plaid shirts, so I created a simple plaid for the main part of the these mittens. On the palm of each is an anti-possession protection symbol based on the Winchesters’ tattoos. (Of course, these could also be knit completely plaid on both sides.)
I made these for me, so they are a women’s medium. The pattern is pretty unisex, my husband really likes them, and by changing the gauge you can easily change the size. Knit them at 9 stitches per inch for a men’s medium (8.5 inches) or 8.5 stitches per inch for a men’s large (9 inches). A sport weight yarn would probably be a good choice for the larger sizes.

Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens

Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens
Download a pdf of the Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens Pattern (with chart) or just the Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens Chart

Size: Woman’s Medium (7.5 inches) (See the note above about sizing)


  • fingering weight yarn in two colors, about 150 yards (30 grams) of each color (I used Knit Picks Palette in Silver and Black)
  • four size 1 double-pointed needles (or size needed to get gauge)
  • stitch marker
  • scrap fingering weight yarn
  • tapestry needle

Gauge: 10 stitches and 12 rows per inch


  • k – knit
  • p – purl
  • m1 – make 1 stitch (direction doesn’t matter)
  • ssk – slip, slip, knit
  • k2tog – knit two stitches together

Follow the written pattern for shaping and the chart of color changes


Cast on 74 stitches. Divide between three needles. Join together to knit in the round being careful not to twist stitches. Place a stitch marker between the first and last stitch to mark rows.

Rows 1 – 12: k1, p1 until end of row
(start colorwork)
Rows 13 – 22: k
Row 23: k1, m1, k73, m1 (76 stitches)
Rows 24 – 54: k
Row 55 left hand: k56, knit the next 15 stitches with the scrap yarn, move those stitches back to the left needle and reknit them following the colorwork pattern, k5
Row 55 right hand: k43, knit the next 15 stitches with scrap yarn, move those stitches back to the left needle and reknit them following the colorwork pattern, k18
Rows 56 – 98: k
Row 99: ssk, k34, k2tog, ssk, k34, k2tog (72 stitches)
Row 100: k
Row 101: ssk, k32, k2tog, ssk, k32, k2tog (68 stitches)
Row 102: k
Row 103: ssk, k30, k2tog, ssk, k30, k2tog (64 stitches)
Row 104: ssk, k28, k2tog, ssk, k28, k2tog (60 stitches)
Row 105: ssk, k26, k2tog, ssk, k26, k2tog (56 stitches)
Row 106: ssk, k24, k2tog, ssk, k24, k2tog (52 stitches)
Row 107: ssk, k22, k2tog, ssk, k22, k2tog (48 stitches)
Row 108: ssk, k20, k2tog, ssk, k20, k2tog (44 stitches)
Row 109: ssk, k18, k2tog, ssk, k18, k2tog (40 stitches)
Row 110: ssk, k16, k2tog, ssk, k16, k2tog (36 stitches)
Row 111: ssk, k14, k2tog, ssk, k14, k2tog (32 stitches)
Row 112: ssk, k12, k2tog, ssk, k12, k2tog (28 stitches)
Row 113: ssk, k10, k2tog, ssk, k10, k2tog (24 stitches)
Cut leaving about a 12” tail. Seam the top of the mitten with kitchener stitch.


Follow the correct chart for each hand.

Carefully remove the scrap yarn putting the bottom stitches on one needle and the top stitches on another. Fifteen stitches on each needle. Now divide the stitches between three needles placing a stitch marker to mark rows between the top and bottom stitches on the right side.

Row 55: k15, pick up and knit one stitch from the hand of the mitten, k15, pick up and knit one stitch from the hand of the mitten (32 stitches)
Rows 56 – 81: k
Row 82: ssk, k11, k2tog, k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 (28 stitches)
Row 83: ssk, k9, k2tog, k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 (24 stitches)
Row 84: ssk, k7, k2tog, k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 (20 stitches)
Row 85: ssk, k5, k2tog, k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 (16 stitches)
Row 86: ssk, k3, k2tog, k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 (12 stitches)
Row 87: ssk, k1, k2tog, k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1 (8 stitches)

Cut the yarn leaving about a 6” tail. Put the tail on the tapestry needle and weave through remaining stitches on the needles. Pull tail inside and pull tight.

Weave in ends.

Copyright 2014 Kathy Lewinski
Do not duplicate for distribution, repost, sell or teach without permission.
Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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  1. Pingback: Supernatural Mittens to Knit – Knitting

  2. Pingback: 16 Easy To Make DIY Mittens For Winter

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