Project Project Runway Challenge #8 – The Rainway

Welcome to season 13 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in…

Challenge – The Rainway
Create an avant garde look that can stand up to rain. The look needs to be cutting edge and forward thinking. Can your model handle the rain?!
Time Limit – 24 hours

Budget –  $30

Accessories – Choose your accessories from the Aldo Accessory Wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, September 18th.
Just a reminder, only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR13 and ProjectProjectRunway.

Ok, let’s talk about this episode. Warning spoilers ahead….

Kathy’s take: I know some people will probably thing the rainway thing was silly, but I think it was interesting for an avant garde challenge and forced the designers to use some different fabrics. Plus, they got two days, woohoo.

I LOVED Kini’s look. It was the most striking thing on the runway. His fun play on the umbrella was great and the construction looked amazing. I am so glad they did a joint win, because his designed deserved to win over a gimmick in my opinion.
Sean’s idea was really clever for this runway. The dye was the whole design though. The dress itself other than the waterproof slip was just a little sundress. I mean, it was cool and it was a moment, but was the whole design great?
Sandhya’s look was just silly in my opinion, pinwheels? I’m surprised the judges liked it so much. It didn’t look high end or designed to me. It was stuff stuck on plastic. I still don’t get their love of her.

Korina’s look was more like a crafty costume than a design. Come on, it was taped together!

fäde, oh yawn. That is so not avant garde. It is just a boring dress with a little bit of bright graphics on it. Just dull. Last week, he gave us a dull dress too. He seems to be over it. I couldn’t believe Heidi said Emily’s look didn’t look like it took two days, if anyone’s looked like they didn’t have time, it was fäde’s. I do feel like he was ready to go.

Finally, I just can’t with Amanda anymore. I just don’t get it. I thought her dress was ugly, not avant garde and it fell apart on the runway! How is something that falls apart on the runway not end up in the bottom three?!

Susi’s Take:

I was blown away tonight. I was cheering when the dye in Sean’s dress started to show. Even if you have watched every season of PR, this was a surprise, and that was really special. What a thrill.

I cannot help but think how similar Sean’s dress was to one I created (Aug 2011, Come as You Are, Challenge 1)
I made that dress from a handkerchief. I feel pretty good about that.

I do not know WHAT is up with Sandya and the LOVE. Her jumpsuit was BAD. And the pin wheels with the zip ties… what was that about? Next “garage” challenge and I will be ALL set.
Amanda has me worn ragged. Every look is something that a worn out rocker would wear. And again with the heavy beading at the neck.
In contrast to Kat, I think Fade was a real talent and I am sorry to see him go. What he does when he is on a roll is AMAZING, and I think, overlooked. Luckily, we will be able to see his collection anyway, even though it is a dummy. I am sad that the pace of the show sometimes eats designers alive.

Next week, it’s dolls! Hey, that is our runway every week!

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