PPR “Short, Tight and Shiny” challenge, #5 House of Cornish

This week’s challenge: Design a dress for Heidi.
She likes a “surprise”. For me a “surprise” is when my husband says “lets eat out tonight honey”. What she means by surprise is that part of the dress should be missing, and we should guess which part it will be.

The dress is gold satin silk and a chiffon dotted with gold.
The chiffon is translucent, and wraps around and bears a swath of skin in exactly the right place all the way around. Heidi was a big fan of the low (low) back as well, so I made the back open (as another surprise).
She walked the red carpet and it looked great.
It was just what she was looking for.

Can we talk about the show for a minute?
Job ONE when you are cast on the show is to sit yourself down and watch every past episode of Project Runway. And take notes. I would assume if you are a designer, you have done that anyway. But time and again, we see evidence that refutes this. Case in point. LAST season, on MY SHOW, Heidi said “this color, I don’t love it. I think it is, (sigh) Boring.” GREEN. It was a green dress. If you google Heidi Klum in a gown, you do not see green represented. Then, Heidi went into the work room and announced she did not like the green that “you” were working with. THEN she let anyone who wanted to start over, and go back to Mood, and what did that silly woman do? She went back to green and picked a shade 2 shades off of where she was before. I was yelling at the TV. Muppet. That is a sure fire way to write your ticket home. She is not long for the show.
See you on the runway.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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