Project Project Runway Challenge #5 – The Klum of Doom

Welcome to season 13 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in…

Challenge – The Klum of Doom
Create a look for Heidi to wear on the red carpet at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards. This is an elegant and sophisticated event. Blend your point of view with Heidi’s style. She likes unexpected, fashion forward and fearless looks. Do not make her end up on any worst dressed lists!

Time Limit – 12 hours

Budget – $25

Accessories – Choose your accessories from the Aldo Accessory Wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, August 28th.
Just a reminder only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR13 and ProjectProjectRunway. Do not make Tim give you this look!

Ok, let’s talk about this episode. (Warning spoilers ahead!)
We knew who won before this episode ran because Heidi wore the winning dress last weekend to the Creative Arts Emmy.
Congrats Sean, apparently Heidi is having a fringe moment right now. I do think this was an interesting dress but does it really do that much for Heidi? I see a little bit of a muppet there.Though Heidi did have fun with it on the red carpet and it was photographed a lot.

Poor Kini, second week a bridesmaid. His dress was well made, but could have been a bit more interesting. I didn’t love Amanda’s look, the beading looked heavy like it was pulling the bodice down and the lines were not straight. I would have loved to see see fäde’s dress on Heidi, the shape was interesting and he worked the pattern in the fabric so well.

I was happy to see Mitchell go, his taste level was never the level it needed to be for the show. He really had no idea how to make a classy red carpet gown. I’m not sure Kristine deserved to go too, her dressed was finished unlike Korina’s. Poor Korina, her first look was at least interesting in my eyes, Heidi just really threw her for a loop. It sort of felt like they told Heidi to do that with a few people since Tim stressed the importance of choosing the right fabric at Mood.

All and all, I was a little bored by this episode, but at least we weren’t designing for Heidi’s workout wear line!

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