Project Project Runway Challenge #4 – A Suitable Twist

Welcome to season 13 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in…

Challenge – A Suitable Twist
Use a classic men’s suit as your inspiration and fabric to create a high fashion look. You are using the jacket and pants from your suit and that fabric must be apparent in your look.
Hopefully, you have all received the lovely doll-sized suits we sent you (Brie, yours should arrive today.) No cursing me if you don’t like your suit!
You can use additional fabrics, but remember the rules above!

Time Limit –12 hours

Budget – $10

Accessories – Choose your accessories from the Aldo Accessory Wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, August 21st.
Just a reminder only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR13 and ProjectProjectRunway. Do not make Tim give you this look!

Ok, let’s talk about this episode. (Warning spoilers ahead!)

First of all, the Red Robin tie-in was just silly, but I think this was an interesting challenge. Working over fabric from an existing piece of clothing isn’t the easiest thing.

Secondly, Hernan is gone, yea! I really didn’t feel he has put anything of interest (or a lot of taste) on the runway yet. Plus his whining this episode just drove me crazy. Everyone got a bad suit made of bad fabric, deal with it. Good for Zac for pointing out to other judges that the whole “my fabric was falling apart” line was a lie.

But, I do not agree with the winner at all. I don’t see what the judges found to rave about Amanda’s Stevie Nicks stage wear. I just don’t get it, that is high fashion?! Kini’s look was so much better in my opinion and so well made. In my mind, that was high fashion.

I was glad the the judges agreed with me on Kristine’s look. My husband and I couldn’t decide whether it was a bad costume or strange pajamas. Yes, velour is not easy, but those pants! I originally thought she has boots with the pants, but then I saw it was organza, WTF.

Finally, Sandhya was not in the bottom?! What was that look? When it went down the runway I said she was lucky she had immunity and then they said she was safe, crazy! Oh, and Mitchell too. That was a trashy junior look that didn’t fit well at all.

Next week we design for Heidi…bring on the short, shiny and tight!

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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