PPR Challenge 3 – Kat’s Design

This week we were to create a design for the pages of Marie Claire magazine in 2034. The look also had to have an inspiration from the past. This is a little bit of a toughie, I don’t believe in 20 years we’ll all be wearing Star Trek uniforms or jetpacks, so I knew I didn’t want to go sci-fi. I wanted to keep things a little more realistic.

When I started thinking about the future I thought about the environment and weather. I thought my girl would be living in a time when storms continued to be crazier and some places suffered from awful smog like in China already. I also felt that clothing would continue to be, if not get more, comfortable, especially for the workplace. Here is the look I cam I with…
PPR Challenge 3 - Kat's Design
Jade is wearing a bright red swing-cut raincoat. (I had planned on their being a hood, but ran out of time.) The color adds a pop of brightness to the outfit and also makes her easily seen in bad weather.
PPR Challenge 3 - Kat's Design
Underneath that, she wears a open knit tunic sweater with a cowl neck. The cowl of the sweater can be pulled up to cover the nose and mouth on smoggy days. That tops a pair of black legging pants (a look I don’t think we will be getting away from anytime soon). This part of the look is my inspiration from the past, legging and a big sweater. Come on all of us a certain age wore this look, most likely bought at Express, in the 80’s. (Confession: I had also planned on a jersey tunic to go under the sweater, but once again time.)
PPR Challenge 3 - Kat's Design
For accessories, this look didn’t really need much. I knew I wanted a pair of sturdy, yet stylish boots (though Wellingtons would have been fun too if there were any on the wall). The sweater really took away the need for much jewelry, so I just added a pair of dangly earrings.

I love my look! I want my look. But I worry it isn’t quite futuristic enough. Hopefully, my description on the runway helps explain why I feel it is. I also worry Nina might feel it is too casual for Marie Claire. I think my work on the look though, completely with knitting a sweater, would be enough to keep me safe.

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10 years ago by in Challenges , Needlecraft , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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