Hexagon Artwork In Progress

Last week I mentioned that I want to create some artwork for my house based on the Tu pieces at Room & Board.
Over the weekend I picked up the colors of felt I needed and started cutting hexagons.
I also picked up two shadow box frames at Jo-Ann (50% off meant I got one free!). Then I started experimenting with layouts.
Excuse the blue background, that is the inside of the frame.

I’m worried it looks a little too Halloween with all that black and the orange. I’m thinking of switching and making my main colors the two grays with pops of orange and black. It will be mounted on white chambray, so I think the grays will look best against that too. I’m doing two pieces to hang side by side, so I still have a lot to cut out. I also haven’t exactly figured out how I am mounting the hexagons to give them a little height. Still, I am happy with how this is moving forward so far.

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