Passing It On

My eight-year old nephew has been asking and asking me to teach him to knit. Since he was visiting for Easter, I picked up some needles and yarn incase he asked again. Well, wouldn’t you know, “Can you teach me to knit?” was almost the first thing out of him mouth when they arrived on Saturday.
4/19 Learning to knit
I wasn’t sure how much patience he was going to have for it, but after a few rows with lots of hands on help he had the knit stitch down. It was great to see his concentration as he did, “just one more row.” Early Easter morning I was even greeted with a text message from the other bedroom saying, “Happy Easter! Can I knit?” Since his mom doesn’t knit, this will be a “time with Aunt Kathy project”, but I’m hoping I’ve helped inspire a new male knitter.

So, who passed on the love of knitting or other crafts to you? Do you pass it on to others in your life?

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Crafting with Kids , Knitting | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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