Project: Footed Bowl

I have been looking for the appropriate vessel to display some eggs on my mantle for Easter and just haven’t found anything I liked. I didn’t want just a bowl or a plate. All the baskets I’ve seen are too big or too fussy or too cheap looking. Then I was looking through the dishes at Target and came up with this.
Footed Bowl
A footed bowl. Really, it is a bowl and a ramekin. I loved the look of the bowl, but then thought it would look even better raised up a little. A look down the aisle and I found the solution.

I hesitate to call this a project, but it really is sooo simple.

Footed Bowl


  • bowl
  • smaller ramekin
  • glue appropriate for dishware (I used a silcone)

1. Clean and dry the bottom of the bowl and the ramekin, removing any labels.
Footed Bowl
2. Lay the bowl down upside down. Put a bead of glue along the bottom edge of the ramekin. Glue to the center of the bottom of the bowl. Spend the time to make sure it is centered. Let dry.
Footed Bowl
That’s all there is to it! I have a feeling I’ll be finding other uses for this little bowl after Easter too.
Footed Bowl

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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