Jarvis the Cross-Eyed Cat and His Hogwarts Uniform

My friend Daria has always been crazy about animals, donating a lot of her time to working with various shelters in the Bay Area. Through the years she has fostered many animals and some have become her full-time pets liked cross-eyed Jarvis P. Weasley who was let to die on the side of the road as a kitten. Recently, a news service in the UK read about Jarvis and called Saving Grace Rescue asking to do a story on him.

Well, that led to a few emergency emails, texts and phone calls to me from Daria about how to make Jarvis a quick Hogwarts uniform for his photo shoot. (Daria is always willing to go the extra mile if it will help promote Saving Grace.)


What she ended up doing was using an Elizabethan collar for a small dog as a template to cut the cape from black felt. She then cut the collar from white felt and glued it on. The tie is also just made with felt and glues together. A piece of velcro holds it onto the cape. Originally, she had the cape tie at the front with ribbon, but Jarvis just wanted to play with the ribbons. So she ended up closing up the front, increasing the neck size and then clipping it together at the back to fit. She said this was a much easier way to close and fit it on a cat. The scarf was just a quick garter stitch knit.

I think she did a great job and sweet, little Jarvis’s story has been told this week in the Daily Mail, the Sun, the Telegraph, the NY Post, on Italian television and is spreading around the world!

All of Jarvis’s pictures were taken by the Furrtographer who takes awesome pet portraits. He started out as a volunteer taking photos for animal shelters and in 2013 was named Best Pet Photographer in the Bay Area.

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