Sewing Lessons: Duvet Cover

Someone got a “big girl bed” (= twin bed) and I made the twin duvet cover!
The actual process is super easy: sew three sides of two sheets together, then stuff the actual duvet up into the pocket from the open side, and throw it on the bed. But I learned enough tricks along the way that I want to share all the details.

Simple Duvet Cover



  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Sewing pins
  • A HUGE clean stretch of floor or work surface. Huge.

Wash the sheets first.
Iron the sheets (I know, this step will rock some people to their very core, but it is important when you are lining the two up to iron them first.).
Lay the sheet that you would like on the bottom right side up. Your flat sheets should be longer than you need for your duvet cover, so fold up any excess sheet on the “bottom” side.  This will create a pocket to catch the bottom of the duvet.
Lay the top sheet on the top of that, right side down. (so the right sides are facing each other.)
On the bottom, make another fold that mirrors the first fold, making the sheets the same length. (With the right sides together, the folds will be facing out.)
Pin the long sides and the bottom together.
Sew all the way around three sides, starting with the top side of the cover (this is the short side with no folds.)
On the bottom edge, sew in about 14″ from each side with a topstitch. (just as close to the edge as you can get without falling off)
Then, in the middle, sew the fold down 5/8″ from the edge. This just makes it less floppy and it looks more finished.

Stuff the duvet in, and throw it on the bed. This is so easy that it is possible that the kid could make her own bed now.!! (Oh, I dare to dream!)

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10 years ago by in Needlecraft , Projects , Sewing , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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