Project 365 – January

Over the last year or so I have started and dropped a lot of photo projects. Really, the only one I have ever been able to keep up is a Project 365 where you take a picture everyday. I did it in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Then I took a break for a couple of years. I started to feel like I was trying so hard to get a good picture some days that I was actually missing out on what was going on. But recently, I’ve started to miss it. Plus I love looking back at that year in pictures and seeing everything that was going on in my life from the ho-hum to exciting trips. So, this year I decided to try again. I’ve made it through the month of January…

I’ve told myself I’m not going to be concerned about getting “photographer” quality shots this year. Instead I am going to focus on the little things that happen in my life everyday. I was invited to join a great group on Facebook who are also doing the project. Everyone in the group seems to have the same goal which takes a lot of the pressure off.

Have you every done a Project 365 or are you doing one now? What do you get out of it?

Btw: If you’d like to see any of my pictures so far this year bigger, you can see them in my Flickr set.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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