Kids DIY Thank You Notes

After the holidays (and for us, a January Birthday), we have a lot of Thank You notes to write. I want my daughter to learn about thank you notes and to appreciate the power of a written snail mail.
I started with a box of mixed colored cards and matching envelopes. (Target, for about $12.00) We set about to make some notes by hand. She does not exactly read and write yet, so she participated at her level.
Stickers. (Themed, foamy, plain…)
The ocean creatures are always popular
I lined up cards on the table. The hope was that she would have some sense of how many we needed to do, (LOTS.) so perhaps we could knock some out in batches. I was hoping we would not get super focused on one single card.
We started off a little slow.
But with a change of costume and a little time, we got into it
Here “we” are working more with the rubber stamp.
And the letters
Here is the start of one of our masterpieces
And then this admirable creation
A mixed media collage. (There is a lot going on there. It’s hard to absorb. : )
In the end, when I sat with her and leaned in a little bit, we got them all written, signed and stuffed.
We are very lucky to have so many wonderful (and generous) friends. Very lucky indeed.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


10 years ago by in Crafting with Kids , Crafts , Crafty Mom | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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