Knitting Progress : Three Button Sweater

This is one of my daughter’s favorite sweaters.
It’s sweet, cotton and not scratchy, so she is willing to wear it. That means, we both like the sweater. As I watch her grow, I realized that it would be good to have a bigger one. So I went, got yarn and started into the project.
I am working the pattern out as I go. In the front there are three buttons. There is a flat piece from the shoulders down the chest in the front and then a small set of tucks, the front widens there.
So far I have done a gauge swatch and A LOT of measuring. I created a paper pattern to use as a template. (And man am I glad I did! Because for about 5 days the sweater was lost, and I was afraid I was going to have to just work from memory and the pattern I traced. Then, we found the sweater, and heaved a sigh of relief.)
Here is what I have so far. I did a picot on the edge for a little extra something. I formed the hem and folded the edge, it was exciting to see the Picot edge form. I will say though, that one does need to pay attention when one is doing a picot row. You would think “knit two together, yarn over” would be straight forward enough, but even one mistake show up. So, the hem you see there was not the first one I did.
Here are my beauties all lined up.
Cascade Pima Cotton. I have found this yarn to be lovely to work with. It is not stiff and it has not split or come unraveled. I would recommend it for any cotton project you had in mind.
Stay tuned to watch how this comes along. My goal is to share the pattern when I am done.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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