Dreaming of an Icelandic Sweater

As everyone know by now, it’s cold in the US. It’s cold everywhere, but it’s really cold here in Minnesota. All I want to do is sit under a blanket in front of the fire and knit with a good BBC mini-series on. Lately, I’ve been dreaming of making my own Icelandic sweater. I bought one I really love in Iceland two years ago, but it would be interesting to try my hand at it. I found some lovely free pattern for them online.
The Iðunn Cardigan from Knitty is the front runner. I like the simplicity of the colorwork. I would require steeking which would be a new challenge for me.

Here are a few other options…
Inga on Ravelry is also a cardigan. It has a little more traditional looking colorwork and would also require steeking.
The Létt-Lopi Vest, also on Ravelry, is sleeveless, but I’ve seen a few people adapt the pattern to have long sleeves. I love the touch of blue used in the colorwork, but not sure I think it looks as traditional as I want.
This cardigan from Drops Designs is stunning and I can make matching socks if I want!
Of course I could go really traditional with this pattern from Samband of Lopi.

What are you dreaming of making on these cold winter days?

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
11 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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