Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #25 – A Look Back

Wow, only one more challenge after this for Iron Craft 2013. This seems like a good time to look back at the challenges from the past year. For this challenge you can repeat any challenge from the past year, it could be one you missed or one you had more than one idea for.
Here are all the challenges…
1 – Cotton (make something using cotton)
2 – Orange You Glad… (make something using the color orange)
3 – Hearts and Flowers (make something using hearts and/or flowers)
4 – The envelope please… (make something inspired by a tv show or movie)
5 – Green or “Green” (make something the color green or eco-friendly)
6 – Peep, peep, peep (make something using or inspired by Peeps)
7 – Ethnic Crafting (make something inspired by a country other than your own)
8 – Playtime (make a toy or make something using or inspired by toys)
9 – I’ve Got a Notion (make something using supplies from the notions aisle)
10 – Home is Where the Heart is (make something for the home)
11 – Rainy Days (make something inspired by or to use on rainy days)
12 – Picnics (make something to use or eat at a picnic)
13 – Eye of the Needle (make something using a needle of any type)
14 – Vive La Iron Craft (make something French, inspired by France or using the colors of the French flag)
15 – Good Night (make something to use in the bedroom or for sleeping)
16 – Way Back Machine (make something using vintage/retro supplies or inspired by something vintage/retro)
17 – UFO (finish an unfinished project)
18 – Shiny, Shiny! (make something shiny)
19 – Monsters and Witches and Ghosts, Oh My! (make something for Halloween)
20 – Black is the New Black (make something using the color black)
21 – Cheers! (make something to do with beverages or using beverage related supplies)
22 – Diwali (make something using light)
23 – Snow Day (make something using the color white)
24 – Holiday (make something for the holiday of your choice)

Reveal day is Tuesday, Dec 17th. Please only post in progress pictures before that date. Tag photos with IC1325 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
11 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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