Life in the Loop (and out)

This week was spent in the Loop and saw the start of a skiing vacation.
This lovely old building across the train tracks from us has been standing empty with boarded up windows. Because our neighborhood is historic and it won’t be torn down. We have heard rumors of it becoming a boutique hotel. We were thrilled to see the start of work this week.
We had our first real snow, though it doesn’t look like much in this picture and has all melted since.
On the road
Then we headed out of the Loop for Thanksgiving week in Colorado. Snow was looking a little thin on the drive from Denver to Breckenridge.
Good Morning Breckenridge
Sun greeted us our first morning looking over the town from our condo.
Jenny on the Gondola
Jenny and I are not skiers, but headed up the mountain to meet our husbands for lunch on Peak 8.
Then picked up a very tired Thing 2 after his first day of snowboarding lessons (which he loved).

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