Are you ready for a year of crafty challenges?

Welcome to our 2011 craft challenge

Crafting connects us. Glitter glues our friendship together. If we embark on a quilting expedition, we will put on our pith helmets, and do it together. Across the miles, we admire, advise and sympathize.

Here’s how it works:
Every Thursday one of us will post a creative challenge to be completed by the following Wednesday. The challenges maybe as specific as a particular pattern or as vague as a theme. They’ll cover the gamut of crafting skills: knitting, sewing, quilting and so on. Every Wednesday we’ll spotlight the results of the previous Thursday’s challenge from our Flickr group. We’d love to have you join us for the year of what we hope will be a lot of fun.

Want to join in?

  • Email us with your blog address so we can add you to the blogroll. (If you don’t have a blog you can skip this step.)
  • Grab a button & put it on your blog.
  • Join our Flickr group so you can post the picture of your finished challenge each week (Flickr is free & easy to use.)
  • Watch for the first challenge to be posted on Thursday, December 30, 2010 & start crafting!

*Don’t worry we don’t expect everyone to be able to do every week’s challenge but we’re certainly going to try to do as many as possible.
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Are you ready for a year of crafty challenges?
    • kat
    • Earthlyjewels – a lot of people are just signing up now so join & start with challenge 2 which will be announced tomorrow

    • Shelly
    • I'd like to join in on this! The email link won't work for me for some reason though… so here's my blog address:

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