Reader Project: Owl Square Baby Blanket

You all remember the Owl Granny Square pattern I shared last year. I’m afraid I’ve been of a procrastinator and haven’t finished the blanket those squares were meant for. (Sorry Jenny, I will give your little one a finished blanket before she is 16!) But I do have a finished blanket to show you thanks to Kristy, Littlewing17 at Ravelry.
She did a beautiful version in soft greens, yellows and browns. She did a circle square in one color for the non-owl squares. (I did more with a colored circle in the middle of a white square.)
She put the squares together using a flat braid and then attached a fabric back. (Here’s a good tutorial on doing a flat braid.)
Kristy says this is the biggest crochet project she’s ever done and I think it looks fabulous. Thanks Kristy for letting us share your photos, you’ve inspired me to get my blanket back out to finish.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
11 years ago by in Crochet , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Reader Project: Owl Square Baby Blanket
    • Alta
    • This is a real is a real inspiration. I have a grandbaby coming in May and would love to do this for her. I also have a dear niece (50 something) who works for the Library of Congress and this would be great for her. Can you help me out with the pattern, colors used and how much of each color is used. I love your choice of colors and the use of alternate solids squares made the
      owl square pop! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

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