Challenge #2: Stay Warm!

For our second challenge, we will be making something oh so functional. !! It is time to make a ‘draft dodger’ or a ‘door snake’.

(this one is from Simple Organic)

If you live in the cold, then we will keep out the cold. (If you live in Phoenix, then we will keep the cool air in. But whether you want the air in or out, just lay down your snake, and it will do it’s job.)
There are endless possibilities. If you do not sew, you could knit. If you do not sew or knit, you can use a fabric glue. You can use up scraps from home, or go out and get all new stuff, and make exactly what you want in the color you want it in. A few thoughts. When it comes to stuffing these things, there are two options. One is beans. And the other is pipe insulation. (yes, a trip to the hardware store might be a nice change for your partner. And you, of course.) In my house, everything needs to be washable. So the beans are out. And the insulation will not fit in the washer. (who knows if it would melt in the dryer. I, for one, will not be experimenting.) There is one more option I read about, and that is using fish gravel! Certainly THAT can get wet! I think, in the end, that I will be just making an inner tube that holds the beans. And then an outer tube, that can be washed. There are lots of clever folks our there who have done these. If you want a pattern, or some detailed ‘how to’s’ then check out these sites:

A slide show of 21 options
the daily Green
How to:
Wiki How To
Better how to, More detailed patterns. And cute animal ideas:
Crafty Crafty
A double snake for both sides of the door.
KK cool tools
And then Not Martha’s version
on flickr

Welcome to week two.
We can’t wait to see what you do!

Post pictures of your completed project to the Flickr group on Wednesday, January 12th. Only in progress pictures may be posted before that date.

Please tag pictures with IC2 & if you have a blog post about your project leave the URL in the photos description. We’ll do a wrap up of the completed projects on the blog in the days following.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Challenge #2: Stay Warm!
    • kat
    • My brain is busily working on how to make a really cool version of one of these. I could use some on our 80 year old windows.

    • Jennifer Rodriguez
    • My hubby has been on me FOREVER to make some. He wants them to go in front of our daughters' rooms. That way they can't peek out and see light or our feet and scream "I'M AWAKE"…

      So on this.. Though they won't be swank 🙁 They will be toddler cool.

    • Jenny K
    • Great idea… I have been wanting to make these forever but never get around to it. Will be great to have since we are suppose to go below zero and stay for awhile.

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