Custom Mitten Designing: Art Deco Mittens

Earlier this month, we gave away a pair of custom designed and knit mittens. Since then, I have been working with the winner, Beth, to design her mittens. I thought you all might enjoy seeing how the process is coming along.

First, I discussed design and color ideas with her. We decided an art deco design would be really beautiful. She suggested I use buildings like the Chrysler Building as inspiration.

For a color palette, Beth wanted jade, silver and black. It wasn’t easy to find a yarn in the weight I wanted to use with all the right colors, but I ended up finding four options for her to choose from. She chose Knit Picks Gloss in Jade, Robot and Black.

This yarn is a mix of merino wool and silk. The silk should give it a lovely sheen and softness.
After getting many measurements and discussing fit, I was able to start the fun part, drawing up the design.

Art Deco Mitten Design

I still have to design the thumb, but the hand and cuff are done. The top of the mitten is definitely based on the Chrysler Building, while the half circles with the rays coming off them are another common art deco motif. Luckily, Beth liked my first design, so now as soon as the yarn arrives I can get knitting. These mittens are going to be a little bit of a challenge to knit with three colors on some rows, but I’m up for it.

Why not try you hand at designing your own mittens? Here’s my tutorial on how to do it.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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