Win a Pair of Custom Designed Mittens

**This contest is now closed to entries**

January is National Knit Mitten Month. Since I love to knit mittens, I wanted to do something to honor that, something beyond just designing more pairs of mittens (which I’ll do anyway). It’s always more fun for me when I am designing and knitting mittens for someone, so I thought why not giveaway a pair of custom knit mittens?!

Flying Pig Mittens Goldie Gopher Mittens
Ever admire the hand knit, colorworked mittens we make on this site? Well, now is your chance to have a pair made just for you! One winner will get to work with me to design their mittens which I will then knit up for them.
Go Team Mittens 22 - Robot Mittens for Matt
Here are the details…

  • One randomly chosen winner will receive a pair of custom designed, handknit mittens.
  • The mittens can made for themselves or someone else like a child or grandchild.
  • The winner will work with me to create a custom colorwork design. (They’ll give ideas. I’ll do the designing.)
  • The winner will provide me with measurements, so their mittens will be their exact size.
  • The mittens will be handknit by me from a wool or wool blend yarn of my choice. The yarns I use are not itchy.

Elle's Corgi Mittens Those Zig-Zag Mittens
How to enter:

  • Leave a comment on this post telling us what you might like to have on your mittens. Only one comment per person. (Don’t worry if you don’t see your comment right away. It may have gone into moderation and I’ll get it approved to go live.)
  • Make sure to leave a working email adress when you post, so we can contact you.
  • If you want a second entry, post about the giveaway on Facebook linking to this post and tagging @justcraftyenough. Let us know in a comment that you did.
  • Entries close at midnight Thursday, January 17th.
  • We will use a random number generator to chose a winner on Friday, January 18th
  • This contest is open to everyone.


If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
Β© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Giveaways and Contests | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
47 Comments to Win a Pair of Custom Designed Mittens
    • Nancy Francisco
    • I’d like these mitt to have Michigan ( the outline of the state ) on them….one for lower Mi and one for the upper…because I live in the “Mitt State, So please pick me…Thanks πŸ™‚

    • Kell Smurthwaite
    • I would love a pair with lovely Quaker designs on them. I think the gorgeous geometric designs in a traditional dark red and off-white combination would look stunning! πŸ™‚

    • karlsie
    • I have always wanted a pair of Pikachu mittens. Either just his face or a Pika flying through the air. Either way, a pair of Pika mittens would be awesome and make me the envy of my fellow teachers. πŸ™‚

    • Babette
    • What to choose!?! Either red mittens with a stylized cat (either my silver Maine Coon Jack or our Calico Cleo) front side on one had, and the rear view on the other, with their long, fluffy tails sinuously encircling the wrists, or silver-grey mittens with a black, white and jade art-deco design reminiscent of the Rockefeller building top. I love the work that you do – gorgeous!

    • mrspao
    • I would love to have snowflakes on some mittens. I am reading The Snow Child like Eowyn Ivey where the child is made a blue coat with snowflakes on it – I think this would be a lovely thing for a pair of mittens!

    • Kay M.
    • I had to think about this for a while. I finally decided on a donkey design. I adore my Frankie & Johnny. They’ve been such wonderful friends since we rescued them! I think it could be done like the corgie mittens, but I really love the hearts on the flying pig mittens!

    • Katherine Hawkes
    • What a wonderful give-away! Your mittens are fantastic! I collect sheep… an odd collection but they remind me of The Good Shepherd care over each and every one of us. So, for certain, that is what I’d like on a pain of mittens… all the better because they are made from wool! Be especially blessed.

    • Abbie
    • I’ve always coveted a pair of gorgeous “real” mittens, so what a fabulous giveaway! I think either an owl (with a nod to my 16 month old who loves them for whatever reason) or a lop-eared rabbit would be my choice with a whimsical design like those you’ve shown above. A darker shade would probably stay cleaner, but I’d be happy with anything! πŸ™‚ Thanks!

    • wesley
    • I love the corgi mittens. They are ridiculously cute! I would just want the corgi in brown and the red parts in green πŸ™‚ Winter in Wisconsin is long,cold and boring.Cheery mittens would help things move along.(If thats possible).Though all of the mittens up there are adorable!

    • Beth
    • My knitting looks like preschool compared to what you do! Love your designs. I’m a big fan of paisley.
      I would love paisley mittens!

    • Terry Workman
    • I would absolutely love to have mittens with gnomes on them! Maybe in chocolate brown with some deep red and a dusty dark purple. And I wonder if a paisley pattern could be worked in somewhere, hhhmmmmm…… : )

    • NameLynette TeVault
    • Love the mittens I’ve seen so far. Someday I will try 2-color knitting. Definitely not up to designing any. I have never knitted gloves, mittens,or socks yet. I would like arrows on apair of mittens πŸ™‚
      This give-away is a great & generous idea.

    • Sally Anderson
    • I’m entering this hoping I win mittens for my best friend. I don’t live where it gets cold enough to warrant mittens but my friend does. She’s always bugging me (In only the nicest way) to knit her mittens but I think they’re beyond my skill level so I never have. It would be so cool if she could get some handknit mittens. Love that!

    • Tawny
    • Oooh! I love bright colours. I would love some with flames or fire out of yellows, oranges, and reds. Those would be awesome. Then I could say that my mittens are so hot that they melt all the snow I touch heehehehe.

    • NameDee
    • I love the flying pig heart mittens with out the pig. I love hearts and try to collect or make anything that has to do with hearts. Would like the pattern if possible.

    • Nancy Riesterer
    • I would love to have the logo from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. I’ve already made my daughter, who attends the University of Minnesota, a pair and my son is going to attend Stevens Point next Fall.

    • Becky Arneth
    • I would like something very girly…shades of pink,plum,lavender, stripes,and soft,longhair angora fuzzy gray stripe. With the wavy stripes around the wrist like one of the examples above ..and small pastel rose buds on back of hand. Becky

    • sally realey
    • I would love a pair with sheep on them because sheep know how to keep snug in the cold. I would give them to my daughter-in-law who lives is Wales (lots of snow and lots of sheep!)

    • Dawn
    • I just found your blog, and love what I see so far. As for Mitten designs, Something geek chic would be cool, or something with a vegetable or fruit motif… I am open.

    • Kathleen
    • LOVE the ones you did for Elle! Like her, I have a Corgi, and thus would love to have that as my design as well….but plain, just perhaps the Corgi and some design around the wrist? Seriously, if picked, would love anything you did!!!

    • NameAlice Wasney
    • Would it be possible to do something like a Victorian silhouette? If not, I’d be very happy with something bookish, or even writer-like. Pencils, notebooks, something along those lines.

    • Lizzie Pichette
    • I love love mittens! I have to hide them from my teens to keep them as a pair. πŸ˜‰ I would love a pair with lotus flowers on them. Bright in color, so when I look at them I remember to be at peace.
      Purple lotus=peace

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