Iron Crafters in The News

Congrats to Jeromina of Paper, Plate and Plane who’s heart lamp was featured today on Craft. (You’ll  remember her awesome Army Draft Dodger as well.)

She says the lamp was inspired by our first challenge, “I discovered the site last week, the day before the first deadline and scurried for the challenge: “Lighting the Winter Gloom”. I hit the clearance bins that Tuesday night for white Christmas lights and they were sold out. But I didn’t leave empty handed. I snagged red lights, despite that my shining idea is deferred to another time. I couldn’t submit — red lights weren’t going to work for me on Iron Craft, not with the unusual idea I had in mind. Instead, I crafted a Valentine’s-themed wall lamp and am heartily pleased with the outcome even with my lack of submission.”

And to toot my own horn, my Gnome & Mushroom Draft Dodger was featured on Craft yesterday.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , in the news , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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