Project 52

One of my Crafty New Year’s Resolutions is get better with my photography, especially with my DSLR. One of the things I’m doing towards fulfilling that resolution is joining Project 52 – 2013 on Flicker.

For four years I did Project 365 where you take and share a picture everyday for a full year. It was quite a commitment and, let me tell you, there were plenty of days where I was scrambling for something interesting to photograph. With Project 52, I will only be sharing one photo a week with the group and there is a theme each week to help with inspiration. Of course, not all of those pictures are going to be amazing photographs, but it will push me to think about my photographs more. That is the hope anyway. I plan on posting my photos here each Sunday, so you can follow along with my progress too (plus you can all hold me accountable to finish the year.)

This week I won’t wait until Sunday…
Week 1 - Alive
The theme for the week is “Alive.” I thought what could be more alive that 13-year old boys dancing around fireworks in sub-freezing temperatures at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. This picture was taken on my iPhone, but I will pull out the big camera for upcoming weeks.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Project 52
    • Kim D
    • I really love that you have made all of us a part of your challange! It gives me courage to speak my goals out loud. Great photo to start the year!

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