Home for the Holidays: Part 2, Grammer

I am home for the holidays, and sharing some of the crafting traditions that are housed at the “mother ship”

My Mother’s Mother was dubbed “Grammer” by the oldest grandchild and she was a tour d’ force.
She was an avid crafter. She loved to make things for us, especially at the holidays, and surprise us with them. Sometimes, the surprises were the shocking not-destined-to-be-hierlooms kind. Unfortunate.  And other things she made I would fight to keep.

Grammer subscribed to the same philosophy that my daughter has adopted “more is more” and “glitter is always welcome”. The brighter and the sparklier, the better. It is important to note that this policy was not just for crafting, but for life itself. Grammer was always dressed to the nines. And sparkling shoes were a mainstay of her wardrobe. Never in a costume way, always in a life-of-the-party way.

One year, she worked on these Christmas Trees out of costume jewelry on velvet backgrounds. She made two. I now have one proudly hanging in my house. And I was happy to see the other one here.
I am drawn to this tree as if there was actually a wire pulling me to it. The amount of jewelery ammased here is staggering. And friends, this was made WAY back in the day.
Before glue guns even. So heaven knows what kind of chemical “crazy glue” alternative she used.

My other favorite piece of all time is this Santa.
Bedazzle jewels for the eyes,
feathers for the beard, sequins on the hat (carefully placed) and all riding on a completely unnatural shade of gold.
My husband didn’t “understand” this piece. But let me tell you, this is the living end. It is paper mache craft paper brown as a base.
And sadly, it is showing its age. I will hunt these vintage forms down on e bay for the rest of time. I will celebrate the day when I can start a set of my own. And “surprise” people (anyone not reading the blog) with my excellent Crazy Bling Santa!!!!!!!!

She also made these little delights!
Christmas trees out of babyfood jars.
They are filled with tinsel and one light per jar.
All mounded on a wooden base. Phenom!

That is a little bit about what is around our house at Christmas.

I hope your homes, and your days are filled with beautiful memories, beautiful crafts, and lot of love!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


12 years ago by in Christmas , Holiday | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
8 Comments to Home for the Holidays: Part 2, Grammer
    • Dot
    • The baby food jar tree reminds me of the trees my mother-in-law made from cat food cans with both ends removed. They were painted and glittered, and each one had a tiny ornament or figurine glued in. They eventually fell apart, and I no longer have them.

    • Lynn
    • What Beautiful gifts your Grandmother left you!! Made from her hands! Know wonder your a crafter, its in the blood!! I loved all the pics! Gonna try to do that 1st Christmas tree! Thanks for sharing!

      • Susi
      • I am so so lucky! Thank you for your lovely comments. I think if you were to try to do the “costume”jewelry tree, you would have to collect for a WHILE. The prices I’ve seen, even at flea markets, it would be $$$$. I will look for more sources of cheap bling, and repost if I find some. Please keep us posted on your journey! Happy New Year.

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