The Youngest Iron Crafters

I want to introduce you all to Max (age 11) and Lucas (age 8). When they heard me telling their mom about Iron Craft they decided they wanted to try doing the challenges too (even though their mom was iffy about joining in). In the end she decided it would be a great way to have new crafting projects to do with the kids every week.
Winter Lights
For the first challenge they cut designs out of vellum to creat hurricane lamps.
Iron Craft Challenge 2 Stay Warm
For challenge #2 the boys created their own draft snakes using fabric markers to create designs. This was made even trickier for Max who’s dealing with a broken arm from a skiing accident.
Iron Craft Challenge 2 Stay Warm
Lucas even did all his own sewing on the machine! (Don’t you think every boy should know how to do basic sewing?! Believe me some girl 20 years from now will be very impressed when he can hem the drapes for their apartment.)

You can follow along as they tackle the challenges at A Mom and 2 Things. So, anyone else doing any Iron Crafting with their kids?

Finally, a shout out to Russ at NY Star Cards – Look you aren’t the only guy iron crafting!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , iron crafters | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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