Hot Christmas Item

I should have my sanity checked. I went to Ikea today(!)
I saw these printed trees on a Oh Happy Day, and I had to have one (or two, or three)

It could be an advent calendar (like the one Jordan made)
It could be a cat safe/pet safe tree to decorate.
It could be a Preschool Project.
It could become a quilt.
It would be a neat wall hanging. Or a fun table cloth.
The fact that it is not a billion dollar Marimekko print makes it more “attainable”. Ha! Or does it?
Navigating the wilds of Ikea for more than 30 minutes… I talked to 5 people. Was it seasonal? Was it cut fabrics? “I’m sorry Ma’am, I work in “large boxes”. I’ll call a manager in that area.” A few of those calls, and two miles between the market place, cut fabrics, seasonal, and “large boxes” customer information counter, in loops, and I had my tree print fabric!
Is this the “hot ticket” for Christmas? Or have I fallen into the trap? Pet Rock, Furby, Tickle-me-elmo…? Did I just buy into the “gotta get it!”
Once I found them, I did pause over the bin. There were 20 in there. And I thought for a moment about buying them all, and putting them up on e-bay. The rational voice on my shoulder said “step away from the bin!”
I ran for the door. And, as a show of restraint, I did not buy anything else. Not one thing! Not a set of red rubber measuring cups. Not a lit wreath. Not a single 6 pack of knit hearts ornaments. Nothing else. Phew!

Happy Holiday preparations to you all!

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