Road to a Sweater: week 8

Week 8.
Time to wear our sweaters!

Let’s have a progress check:
Kathy has had some fine knitting time.
Dawn Week 8
“I finished both sleeves this week. I did the cable pattern twice at the cuff instead of once because it rolled really badly with just one round of the pattern. I should be starting the finishing, but since I have a ball of yarn left I am going to rip back the body of the sweater to make it a little longer and also do the cable pattern twice at the bottom there instead of once.”
Dawn Week 8

I (Susi) have made it to the bottom (waist) of the sweater. I am adding a double dose of color just for fun.
I am mere rows from the ribbing, so that is getting very exciting.
I will have to pick up a front button band. Stitches are wider than they are tall. So if you pick up one stitch for every row your front band will be a ruffle. If you pick up too few stitches, the body will contract, and make a poof, over your front mid section. Not a good look. Picking up stitches is an important part of the final look of the sweater. Go slow, and make sure your work is lining up the way you want it to.
Let’s keep going, and see where this takes us.
I’ll keep posting pictures. Show us your progress!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Knitting , Knitting Socials , Needlecraft , Socials | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Road to a Sweater: week 8
    • Hanni
    • Both sweaters are looking great! I have stared a cardigan years ago, but I have never completed it… I am not good in bigger projects 🙁

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