I was lamenting on JoAnn’s facebook page the other day that all the pinecones they sell are overly scented with cinnamon. Seriously, if you walked into a JoAnn or Michael’s during the holiday season you know what I mean. It is overpowering. (I’ve actually heard they have to keep them outside or in the vestibule, because the employees complained about the scent too.) I have some pinecone projects planned for Christmas and wanted unscented, you know natural, pinecones. I’d picked up a few from my neighborhood walks, but nowhere near enough. Then I got here to Michigan and hit a bonanza on the walking trail behind Matt’s parents house.
With a little help from my 4 year old nephew, I’m heading home with a shopping bag full of different pinecones. Not one of them scented like cinnamon!
© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
I am looking too! I have even gone so far as to look on e-bay! – Susi
I made the mistake of going to Michael’s on Monday night at 9pn on the first night of extended hours. First of all, why is there only one Michael’s store in Manhattan. The scent of cinnamon was so overwhelming that I got a headache. Also, why were there only two cashiers on the first night of extended hours? Someone didn’t clearing think things through. Now I can fully appreciate your post.