Iron Craft Challenge #24 – White

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Last year we had an almost snowless winter in Minneapolis. Some people might think that is great, but I like snow and winter. It looks beautiful and makes everything feel so cozy. Anyway, since I’m thinking white I thought I would make this challenge a color challenge. Make something where the prominent color is white.

As always, here’s a few ideas to get you thinking…
Advent Calendar Project - Week 5
Snow Covered Initial Ornaments

Ribbon Wreath from Weddingbee

Cable Blanket #2809 free pattern from Bernat Design. This one was knit up by Ravelry user HelEtZel.
Iron Craft Challenge #31 - Snowflake Gift Ornaments
Salt Dough Snowflakes

Posting date is Tuesday, December 4th. Please only in progress shots before that date. Tag photos with IC24 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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