Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments

Santa Lucia is an Italian saint that is a big part of Swedish (and other Scandinavian) holiday traditions. The night before Santa Lucia Day, December 13th, is said to be the longest of the year in Sweden, so Santa Lucia, with her wreath of candles representing the fire that could not kill her, brings light into the night. In homes, the eldest daughter dresses as Santa Lucia and brings her parents coffee and Santa Lucia buns in the morning singing a song about her light overcoming darkness. Santa Lucia is often accompanied by Star Boys who represent Saint Stephen the first Christian martyr.
Sant Lucia and Star Boy
Today Santa Lucia processions are more likely to be seen at malls, shops and schools rather than in homes. I thought I bring a little of the celebration into my house with these cute doll peg ornaments.

Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments


  • 2″ wooden doll pegs
  • acrylic paint in white, black, pink and yellow
  • clear polyurethane
  • green pipe cleaner (look for the shiny, tinsel like ones instead of felt)
  • 3 round toothpicks
  • scrap of white felt
  • small gold star stickers
  • embroidery thread or ribbon (optional)


  • small paintbrushes
  • glue (I used tacky and super glue)
  • scissors

1. For both ornaments paint the bodies and bases white.
Sant Lucia Ornament
2. Paint on the faces. I used the point of a pencil dipped in paint for this. For the Santa Lucia ornament paint on yellow hair.
Sant Lucia Ornament

For Santa Lucia
3. Make a wreath from the pipe cleaner that fits on around the top of the head. Glue to the head, I used the tacky glue for this. (If you want to add a hanger, make a loop from ribbon or embroidery thread and glue it on under the wreath.)
Sant Lucia Ornament Sant Lucia Ornament
4. Cut the tips of the toothpicks so they are are 3/8″ each giving you four “candles.” Paint them white with yellow tips. Use super glue to glue the candles round the inside of the wreath.
Sant Lucia Ornament Sant Lucia Ornament
5. Glue a red ribbon sash around her waist.
Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments

For Star Boy
3. Make a cone hat from white felt that fits on the top of his head. Glue it in place. (If you want to add a hanger, make a loop from embroidery thread or ribbon that is longer than the height of the hat. When you glue the hat together, glue one end of the loop to the inside and have it come out through the point of the hat.)
Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments
Glue a gold star to the front of the hat.
4. Cut a toothpick so that it is slightly shorter than Star Boy’s body. Glue two stars to back to back to the top of it.
Santa Lucia and Star Boy Ornaments
Glue the toothpick to Star Boy off to one side.

Finally, I share with you a favorite Santa Lucia video, Big Steve from England as Star Boy at what appears to be a Swedish hardware store.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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