Wee Winter Woolens KAL: Bonus Wee Polar Bear Sweater

Yes, this KAL was technically supposed to be over after the twelfth pattern, but I couldn’t resist sharing one more with you. A baker’s dozen is better than just twelve right?! So, here is one more wee sweater for you, the wee polar bear sweater.

This one was my husband’s idea and I just think it is so cute. As a matter of fact, I liked it so much, that I am working on patterns for a set of wee sweaters with animals on them, look for that coming sometime next year.

I knit this sweater with the polar bear just on the front, stranding the white yarn all the way around. If you don’t want to carry the yarn that much, you could knit him on the front and back or duplicate stitch him on afterwards.

Download the Wee Polar Bear Sweater or if you have purchased the pattern on Ravelry look for an update that includes this sweater as a separate pdf.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this KAL. It has really been another fun one. A special thank you to my test knitters, Lil and Heli, they made these pattern much more error-free!

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© 2005 – 2017 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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