Wee Winter Woolens KAL: Wee Norwegian Mitten

It’s time to knit up the last of the mittens in our set. This mitten was inspired by the classic Norwegian mittens with the rows of snowflakes down them.

I do have one tip for knitting this one, use a darker color as the background. I originally knit this in white with blue for the colorwork and just thought it looked off. I realized that doing it in white made it look really skinny, my eye was tricked into thinking the colorwork edging was actually the edge of the mitten. Redoing with the blue as the background made it fit in much better with the set.

Download the Wee Norwegian Mitten Pattern or if you have purchased the pattern on Ravelry look for an update.

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© 2005 – 2017 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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