Lopapeysa Planning

I’m heading off to Iceland again later this week, it seems I can’t get enough of the place, and it just so happens that I’m taking the class Icelandic Yoke Design at Yarnover this April from Lars Rains. Lars wrote the book Modern Lopi and is known for his love of Lopi.
So of course, I’ll need to pick up my yarn while I am in Iceland, it’s about half the price as buying it here. I have two Icelandic sweaters already, one that is in shades of grey and white and the other is black with hot pink and red. Here are the two palettes in Lettlopi.
Lopi Version 1
Version 1 is shades of purple with white and light grey.
Lopi Version 2
Version 2 is blues with white and light grey. I wish the yarn came in either a light blue or something more in between these two.

Of course, it could all completely change up when I see the colors in person and what the stores have on hand. Now to figure out how much I might need…..

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