Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #22 – Fall is Falling

We have had a glorious fall here in Minnesota and, even though snow is predicted for today, I’m not ready to stop celebrating it. For this challenge make something inspired by fall. You can use the fruits of fall, gourds, leaves, dried flowers and seeds; the colors of fall, red, browns, yellows and oranges; or maybe the scents of fall, bonfires, cinnamon and apples.

Here are a few ideas from our archives.
Falling Leaves Mittens
Falling Leaves Mittens
Iron Craft '14 Challenge #22 - Paper "Chinese Lantern Plant"
Paper Chinese Lantern Plant
Iron Craft Challenge #45 - Minimalist Turkey Candle
Turkey Candle

Reveal day is Tuesday, November 10th. Please only post in progress photos before that day. Tag photos with IC1522 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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