Savile Row

I had a day on my own in London on our recent trip (lucky me), and I had time for a little walk around. I realized I was walking past Savile Row and I started singing the song from Annie. I took a detour and walked along the street. It was fascinating. There were lots of small high end mens’ suit shops. (There was nearly nothing for women. I thought this was strange, to have an “all male” street. If a guy is spending two mortgage payments on a suit, wouldn’t he be “in the mood” to also have his wife/partner get some new special things too? There is a market there, I humbly offer.)
I walked slowly, and in one of the buildings, there was a lovely clean staircase to the basement, with a view in through the windows.
Upstairs was the clean sales floor. Downstairs they were actually making the suits! Right there before my very eyes!
I went around the front fence and started down the stairs. At this point, I was almost pressed up against the glass and really IN these peoples’ work space. I sat down, smiled and just watched. After a while, I snapped a few quick pictures and left. Down the street, the scene was repeated over and over again.
When I set out to write about Savile row, I learned that the Huntsman (the shop that I sat in front of first) is the shop they used when they filmed the Kingsman. Whoa!

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