Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #13 – Words, words, words

Oh, it’s the halfway point for Iron Craft ’15. Wow, time has gone by fast this year. Let’s take a little break and have an easy challenge. Create a project that uses text in it. This one should be a snap for all of you creative Iron Crafters.

Here are some ideas to get you thinking…
Iron Craft Challenge #35 - Jane Austen Rings
Jane Austin Rings
Iron Craft Challenge #11 - Glitter Letter Bunting
Glitter Letter Bunting
8 - Hot Geek Coffee Sleeve
Hot Geek Coffee Sleeve (Yes, it is in binary code, but that is still text.)

Reveal day is Tuesday, July 7th. Please only post in progress pictures before that date. Tag photos with IC1513 and Iron Craft.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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