Inspiration File: My Pinterest Love Affair

I am inspired visually. I still love to look at a magazine and daydream about how I am going to make this area or that area just perfect. So when Pinterest came out I grabbed a hold of it and never let go.  I have special boards for projects or rooms that I am working on. I have boards that are specific to a certain craft, like knitting, or  felting.  I have some boards that are for things that I may never do myself, but they are fun to look at like a swimming pool. But the best folder of all is the catch-all folder that houses all the crafts that inspire me. It is my favorite board, and it is the biggest board now. It’s called Crafts I Want To Make.

When it comes to working on things for this site, if I find myself drawing a blank, I can just to to this board and POOF, there is a fire lit under me. The funny thing is, I really think that “someday” I will get to attack ALL of these. Whew. That is kind of a sick admission. At last check there are 196 pins on this board. And at last check there are 365 days in a year. Just a “back of the envelope” equation reveals that I would be on a “one project every 1.8 days. Uhm… not realistic. (And that is not allowing time for ANY original ideas either. I would like to think that I come up with one or two ideas all my own every ONCE in a while.)

So, just to keep hope alive, I will share my very favorites

 The Doll Suitcase By Pretty Prudent.


Fabric circle cork boards by Christina Crafts

Patchwork Posse shows this GREAT tutorial about how to embroider your house!


Bus Stop does not give a tutorial for this, but I think we all get the general idea.
Plastic toys in a box frame
I love that. And I feel confident that I could make one if I spent about 15 minutes on the floor of my daughter’s room.

The fairy things never get old. This toadstool in a felt egg from 54 Stitches is charming my socks off.

Moving into a bigger scale, I would SO like to do a big huge table for the back yard. But A. my husband does not know of this passion and B. wood work is way way outside of my comfort zone. I would like to think I could do it. But the truth is, I am not sure it would turn out. I would really want the results to be amazing.

Like this one from Home Evolution


Or THIS with hair pin legs. (swoon) By Smile and Wave

Be still my heart.

That’s enough for now. You can see my whole list of dreamy things on my board. Crafts I want to Make.

Do you have a big list like that? Little stuff that you could make tomorrow? Or big things that you wish were in your wheel house, but in reality, they are $500 of new tools (band saw, sewing machine, interchangeable wood knitting needles) away? In truth what holds me back from a lot of this wish-list stuff is the $$$ outlay of tools and materials, only to feel like I might not succeed. Or succeed with only crooked- home made looking results. ?

Oh well, I have the board pinned! I’ll knock them off one at a time!

Happy Crafting!


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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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