Costume Season

It is “costume season” again! This would be the “season” right before the dance competitions begin. The school pics a theme or a show that they are going to do and then the dance numbers all correspond (closely or loosly) to the theme. Last year the show was Snow White. You will remember I did the Evil Queen Costume.
This year the show will be Aladdin. That should be VERY exciting! I have been commissioned to make the Genie costume. The twist is that the Genie is a dancing part played by a smashing 13 year old girl. She is bright, bubbly, vivacious and quite charming. The brief is to go “Disney” not “Broadway”.
Here is James Monroe Iglehart on Broadway
He is glorious and his costume is resplendent! However, not super feminine.
I was going to take this velvet inspiration and make it beautifully shaped for a woman. Then I started looking around. I came across a picture from, of all places, Downton Abby. (Does the WHOLE world come back to Downton? It’s okay if the answer is yes. ) Here I give you our dear departed Sybil sporting “pants”, GASP!
This outfit takes my breath away. Literally. When I saw that, it was a game changer. I am not going to make an exact copy, but it will be heavily influenced by this, especially by the pants. The top will be more theatrical and, of course, more sparkly!
I will report on my progress. Stay tuned!

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