Project: Frozen Soap

Are you looking for a Frozen party favor or perhaps a quick stocking stuffers for Frozen fans? How about glittery snowflake soap in clear and pale blue?
Glittery Snowflake Soap
Using glycerine soap base, available at craft stores, it’s pretty easy to whip up a batch of these.  I’ve given these as gifts by putting three on a small dish made for olive oil dipping and then putting that into a small cellophane bag, tying the whole thing up with a pretty ribbon.

About the molds: I used silicone chocolate molds which are in the cake decorating section at most craft stores. Don’t get the stiff plastic ones, the silicone is easy to pop the soap out of and is reusable. You can also find silicone ice cube trays that will work. Here are a few versions I found on Amazon, version 1 and version 2.

Frozen Soap


  • glycerine soap base
  • blue soap coloring (Some people have asked about using food coloring. I have never tried it, so I am not sure how it works.)
  • soap glitter (Make sure to use a skin safe glitter, do not use craft glitter. Here is a link to one brand and the glitter is light blue!)
  • soap fragrance (I used peppermint in these)
  • microwave safe vessel with a spout, like a pyrex measuring cup
  • snowflake soap molds (see note above)
  • spray bottle
  • rubbing alcohol

Make sure your ice cube tray is clean and dry.

Cut the soap base into chunks. Try to cut the glycerin base into chunks about 1/2″, so it melts quicker.
Lego Soap
Put the chunks into the measuring cup. Microwave on high for 40 seconds, stir. If the soap base has not completely melted microwave in 10 second segments until done. Don’t be tempted to just do it for longer it will boil up and you will have a lot more bubbles to get out of the soap.

Stir in the color. You’ll only need a drop or two to get pale blue. Stir in a few drops of fragrance if you choose, careful not to overdo it!

Carefully pour the soap base into the ice tray. You want to move quickly, so the base is still nice and liquid, but you want to try to fill the molds as close to the top as possible. Mist the top of the soaps with the alcohol, this will help get rid of any bubbles. We found it’s good to mist and wait a few seconds and then mist again if needed.
Lego Soap Lego Soap
Bubbles on soap before spraying…no bubbles after spraying. Yes, these are photos from when we made Lego soap 😉

Let the soap sit until completely cool, (1/2 to 1 hour). We wanted to make numerous batches so we sped up the cooling process by moving the trays into the fridge after they were firm.

Gently press the soaps from the molds. The silicone makes this easy as it easily pulls away from the soap. Glycerine soap will sweat, so store it in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap.

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