Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #26 – Celebration

We’ve made it, it’s the last Iron Craft challenge of the year! Of course, this challenge hits smack dab in the middle of the holidays, so let’s embrace that. This week we want you to make something for the theme of celebration. Create something that adds to a celebration. That can be a decoration, food, a cocktail or whatever else says celebration to you. We are thinking, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kawanzaa, and New Year’s, but you can use any celebration as your inspiration.
Reveal day is Tuesday, December 30th. Please only share in progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC1426 and IronCraft.

Iron Craft 2015, our fifth year is coming January 7th! Look for an announcement soon. We hope you’ll all be back.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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