Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #24 – Knit Cone Tree

Our IC Challenge was to make something as a holiday decoration. I have this hand dyed yarn in my stash, and I thought it would make the perfect tree. I knit a cover for the cone. It was fast and easy and festive.

Knit Cone Tree


  • foam cone
  • paper (for template)
  • scrap amounts of yarn and needles appropriate for the yarn
  • darning needle

Start with a standard 6″ cone of foam.  I first made a paper template by wrapping paper around it, and used a pencil to mark where the top, bottom, and sides were. Then I unwrapped it, and cut along my pencil lines.
The height is 6″ and the circumference around the bottom is 9.5″.

I used part of a ball from my stash called Araucania Nature Wool, but of course any yarn will do. I liked this green because it was variegated.

Start by casting on 9 stitches. Then purl back. Continue in stockinette increasing one stitch at each end of every knit row. Increase every row except 3 all the way “down”.  33 rows total. Knit until the length is just long enough. Sew up the side seam. Gather the top stitches into a tree top. Slip the knit cone over the foam. The bottom of mine was starting to roll up, so I ran my yarn around all the bottom stitches, and gently pulled. I love the effect of a ridge at the bottom that was created.
I am going to try to get a whole forest going.

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