A Cooking Challenge

I married a British man. One of his most endearing qualities is that he is a most grateful recipient of my cooking. He likes almost everything that I cook, and when we have a misfire, he is forgiving and willing to experiment. I have asked him many times if there were any favorites from his childhood that he would like me to try to recreate. Up until now he has not requested anything. Then, the other day I got an e-mail titled “please make these”.
First Cornish Fairing Biscuits
They are also called Ginger Fairing Biscuits, and that translates into “Ginger Snaps”. We have tried all kinds of ginger snaps from the store. So I will be interested to see how these compare.

And then Cornish Pasties
This recipe is offered in grams, so I will have to use the food scale and start converting. If the recipe works well, then I will be able to go with Cups and tablespoons if I make it again. It seems like a lot of work for a “hot pocket”. But I’ll give it a go.

Have you cooked these British classics before? Any words of wisdom? Stay tuned for the outcomes.

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