Crafty Head-to-Head Challenge – Felt Christmas Tree

So, here’s a typical interaction between Susi and I…

I’m sitting on my couch in Minneapolis knitting away and get a text from Susi in San Jose with this picture.
And a note saying “I love this, but for $14.99 should I buy it or make it?” She doesn’t buy it, but I can’t stop thinking about how much I like it too. Next thing you know, I’m sending her a text saying we should both use the tree as inspiration and have a crafty head-to-head challenge. She loved the idea, so we are off.

Do you want to join in? Use the felt Christmas tree in the picture above as your inspiration to make your own version. (Yes, I know the picture is a “not so great, trying to still a quick pic in a store without getting caught shot”, but I’m sure you get the idea.) You do not need to recreate the tree exactly, but use it as a starting point for your project. We’ll be posting ours along with tutorials and what we spent to make them around December 12th. If you do a version, share it with us on the Just Crafty Enough Flickr Group.


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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Challenges , Christmas , Holiday | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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