PPR Challenge #10 – Kat’s Design

For this week’s challenge the designers had to go on to the streets of New York and convince someone to be their muse and model. Since we aren’t designing for real, life-sided people, we were told to pick anyone in our life and give them a fashion makeover.

Well, who am I to tell anyone else they need a makeover, so I picked myself. I am pretty much a jeans and t-shirt girl, but I’d still like to have a dress in my wardrobe that I could pull out for a nice dinner out with my husband. Here’s the direction, I gave my designer (me). I tend to wear greys and blacks. I like a pattern, but more geometric than floral. I’m short waisted, so something with a fitted waist gives me more of a figure. Final, I prefer easy care fabrics (I do not like to iron).
Project Project Runway Challenge #10 - Kat's Design
What I came up with is a faux, coat dress made from a knit fabric in a chevron print. A wide black belt gives it a nice waist shaping. I worked really hard to match the fabric on both sides. This dress is something that would be warm enough to wear in Minnesota winters with some tights and boots. I’d show it on the runway with knee high boots, a large necklace and dangly earrings.

I have to say I was not inspired by this challenge at all. I think because I wasn’t really designing to meet the challenge. I’m afraid that shows a bit in my final look. It is not very exciting or fashion forward. Really it is the fabric that makes it interesting. Still it is better than the awful thing Alexander sent down the runway, at least it fits and flatters the model. So, I think the judges would call me safe.

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10 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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