Project Project Runway Challenge #9 – American Girl Doll

Welcome to season 13 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in…

Challenge – American Girl Doll
Create an age-appropriate, modern and fashionable look for a young model (8 -12 yrs) based on the American Girl Historical Dolls. Chose a doll and use her story, outfit and time period as inspiration.
This is not an easy one for us since most of use don’t have dolls or young girls. So, we are calling this a by week. If you have an appropriate doll (or child) go ahead and do the challenge. If you don’t, go ahead and skip this week.

Time Limit – 12 hours

Budget –  $15

Accessories – Choose your accessories from the Aldo Accessory Wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, September 25th.
Just a reminder, only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR13 and ProjectProjectRunway.

Ok, let’s talk about this episode. Warning spoilers ahead….

Kathy’s take: This was an ok episode, I don’t personally find kids clothes all that exciting. I was glad they were given more of a challenge then just design a kid’s dress. Yes, it was bringing in a sponsor, but it was a very appropriate sponsor for the challenge. American Girl is about fashion and about outfits for the girls as well as the dolls. It makes a lot more sense then Red Robin or Samsung.

I was shocked they sent Sandhya home! I was sure based on what they showed of the judging Emily would have gone. I just have to say I am glad because her look was the worst! It was a ridiculous romper. No girl that age would want to wear it. Even her model didn’t like it. She could have done so much with the nautical theme. How interesting was it to hear Tim tell Sandhya that he just couldn’t give her advice because he just doesn’t get her style. And can I just say I don’t get Sandhya’s personality. Her whole crying thing about respect, yet she doesn’t always seem to treat the other designers that way. Perhaps it is all just the way she is being edited. Also her whole thing with the judges every time they critiqued her almost came off as rude.

I actually liked the idea of Emily’s look quite a bit and I really liked the jacket, but the shape of the whole thing what a little weird. It felt like it stuck out in the front. I think maybe with more time to tweak, it could have been fabulous. I did not have the problem with color the judges did, I think kids can wear dark colors too.

I so agreed with Heidi about Sean’s look and how it looked home sewn (not in a good way). My first thought when I saw it was that it was so plain and basic. Not worthy of this point in the competition.

Kini did a fabulous job and it so looked like something American Girl would sell. I can see little girls wearing it for special occasions. I have to say I feel like Kini pulls a lot of the same shapes out for his dresses though. I can see why he won, but I think I would have voted for Korina.

Korina was down to the wire, but it was worth it. It was such a fun look. I love the direction she took the tiers. It made me think Mondrian with the color blocks in red, white, black and yellow (Oh, Nina just said the same thing). The red hat was fun and her model really looked like she loved it.

Char was another interesting case of Tim telling a designer not to do something and be totally of from what the judges thought. Now personally, I don’t like fringe and I thought it gave a costume-like feel to her look, but I don’t have kids, maybe kids really do love fringe.

By the way: I loved Alexander’s look and would want to wear it myself especially that floral top. I just like the quirky style.

Susi’s Take
I really thought Emily was going home. And I was SHOCKED the judges let Sandya go. Not because I think she should stay, but because she was the judges’ darling.
Now, here is rule 15 for “how to be successful on project runway” Never ever argue with the judges when they are giving you feedback. Here’s the thing YOU ARE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! You have made it already. You have millions of eyes on you. And if you make it to the final 8, you are at least showing at fashion week, even if it is a decoy. You are showing. That is an unbelievable opportunity.

Everyone knows that the show is HOURS of footage edited down. So – DON”T GIVE THEM ANYTHING TO EDIT. Mark your comments. Don’t say mean things.  This is the world’s biggest and longest interview. You are showcasing who you are to a LOT of people, some of whom might want to hire you for the amazing skills they have seen displayed (even if you don’t “win”) . But if you are a whiney pants, talk-behing-her-back, type of person, no one will want to work with you. BE NICE. Nice always pays off in the end. I know, the heights of my soap box are dizzying.  Sandya argued with the judges and then tried to cover that with a big “but thank you for the feed back.” What is THAT? Is that like in the South where a derogatory remark can be covered with “… oh bless her heart.” ? Sandya, industry leaders, and Peggy told you that your stuff was not good. (you put a line of snaps up the back of a jump suit for a 10 year old. Really?) And rather than listen, you fought. Zac does not have kids. Peggy does not have kids. But that does not mean their point was invalid. Zac has his own company, Nina runs a magazine, and Heidi has taken nice (and beautiful) to the bank for 3 decades now. Watch and learn friend, watch and learn.
I loved Kini’s look. My daughter would have picked Kini’s look, with the coat mind you.

I will be participating in this week’s challenge. So feel free to join me if you are so inclined.
See you on the runway!

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