PPR Challenge #7 – Kat’s Design

For the challenge this week the designers were given their choice of Chopard jewelry. They then had to create an extravagant evening look inspired by and to be worn with that jewelry. I chose a piece from the show that ended up being shown with one of the bottom looks.
That is quite a rock! The trick really is to create a look that is beautiful and fits the jewelry, but doesn’t overpower it. The dress is more of a background for a piece of jewelry like this.
PPR Challenge #7 - Kat's Design
I went with pale pink satin for my fabric, the color plays off the pink in the gemstone without being too matchy-matchy. The neckline had to be open, so strapless was the way to go. For the shape of the dress I took inspiration from the way the necklace wraps around the neck and had the fabric appear to wrap around.
PPR Challenge #7 - Kat's Design
I ended up doing a lot of hand sewing on these look to keep the stitches on the wraps as hidden as possible. I wanted everything to look as smooth and fluid as possible.
PPR Challenge #7 - Kat's Design
The only accessory this look really needed was a pair of strappy shoes and maybe some big diamond solitaire earrings. Anything else would be overkill.

I think the judges would like my look, it is sleek, well sewn and shows off the jewelry. It is as least as good as Sean’s dress they went gaga over. Even though it’s not short and doesn’t have a thigh high slit, I think Heidi would like that it is shiny and body conscious. Zac would appreciate the shape and the attention to construction. Nina would say it fit the necklace well, but was it wasn’t anything ultra original. The woman from the jewelry company would love it and want it for the catalog. I think I am firmly safe this week.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Challenges , Needlecraft , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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