This week we were given the task of creating an event worthy look to pair with high, high end jewelry.
I bring you my vision:
I sound like a crazy diluted contestant, but really, I could not be more proud of this look. I really worked on it. I am way outside of my comfort zone. And it is not a ‘draped dress’. The judges will NOT be bored.
The color is BOLD, so to tone down the acid of the dress, there is a wool empire waist coat/top. The sleeves are chiffon gray, and offer a play on the heavy and the light at the same time.
If ever i actually GO to Project Runway, I will be bringing a version of this look for sure.
It is worn with an amazing sapphire necklace.
I am hopeful for the win this week. But who knows, I could be in the waiting room with Kini. ? See you on the runway!
© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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