I live with a collector. He is interesting, fun to hang around and has an amazing sense of personal style.
He has a LOT of collections. I want to share some of them with you. Today, I will show you the vintage video camera collection.
Here they are in their glory.
Check out the texture on some of them.
“Bright sun, hazy, shade, cloudy/dull”. I love the colors of the buttons, they look like candy.
I am not even clear what is going on there.
Could that old case actually be Bakelite? Wow.
I love the collections, but I am working on how to have more out on display. (While still maintaining everyone’s space and not just filling every surface.)
Do any of you have collections? Are they displayed and enjoyed? Let us know, we would love to see.
© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish