PPR Red Robin Men’s wear Redo: House of Cornish

This week the old tuxes came out of a fast food joint. It was a little bit odd. How clever is Kathy??!!?!?!?! She organized to send all of our faithful regulars a gosh awful Ken tux in the mail, well before the challenge even aired. Brilliant!!
ken tux
This is what I got in my package. I did not curse at the woman who assigned me this suit. No. She gave me a good pallet. But man, I did curse that little suit. What you need to know about Ken costumes is that they do not include actual SHIRTS, they just have a dickie. NO JOKE! Zac called me out on my complaining. So I will shut it.
My look is two pieces. A velvet cape and a dress. The dress is short, because it is made with the shirt fabric. (not really, but that is because I got a dickie. But the fabric is the exact same. And I made it a length that I could have if I had only had a man’s shirt.)
The cape is longer in the back and shorter in the front, so that her figure is not completely covered.
The cape can be worn like a wrap over the shoulders. So I hope I get a little bit of credit for the convertible aspect.
The dress is made just from fabric that was in the suit. It is no show stopper. Nina yawned. But Heidi liked it. (It’s short)
The really cool thing about this look, is that it is finished. I mean completely finished. My daughter has taken an interest in the dolls and dressing them. Up until now, the clothes I designed have not been super functional, but this week, I saw a lot more professional construction as I picked apart the Ken suit. I decided to try to make it so that these clothes could be worn again.
I really am quite thrilled with that. So when Zac comes over for the up close look, he will see that this dress is runway ready, and also play ready. I am supremely satisfied.


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